Would the podcasts be my stuff?

Waiting to see what happens today.
Something new, of course! 2016

A rush morning with coffee

It was a rush morning at our residence in Finland. It was snowing, well, new ideas inside and snow outside.

Mommy made posts to her blog of Santa Claus Joulupukki, a Wordpress blog and Mrs. Santa Lady blog. She is just passionate about it.

Atmosphere - a question

My role was just watch around and drink morning coffee with my family investigating the atmosphere, was it energetic and positive or hostile (!)

Daddy always reads the Newspaper Kaleva and put the TV on even if he does not sit on the coach right away from the bed.

Reading the newspaper

We actually read the newspaper, all three of us. I am tossing on the paper while they are reading. It is so exciting and makes them laugh in such a funny way. Would you like to see a video of it?

I (she) will make podcasts!

Suddenly my mommy realized, that she could make podcasts of all of what happened this morning. It has been her dream also before, but she cannot do all the things she is dreaming of. This time she found good study material in the Internet.
  • SoundCloud, 
  • Audioboo,
  • Opinion, 
  • Spreaker, 
  • ITunes  
  • Periscope with Twitter                                                                                                                


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

Pääsiäissatu pääsiäismunasta

Mikä punainen sieni? Name of this red mushroom?
