Lost friends (cats)

This early morning, still dark outside, I suddenly realized, that I have not seen two neighbor cats for some weeks. Where are they? I need to see my mates.

A visitor at the Rundgren´s Residence likes to lay on our coach and play with us. But where is it now?

Just at this moment I look the news on Finnish Yle TV about tens of cats, which are brought to the The Lost&Found Cat´s Home in Vaasa. There I could make friends with other animal creatures!

Luckily I am at home of my own, still! That home of cats seems to be interesting, especially because people take care of lonely cats from the streets and bring them to this home. People also support financially the home. There is a cozy atmosphere with a professional animal care.

Aapo, I miss you! If you see this, send me an e-mail!


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