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Norjanangervo on kaunotar. |
Hivuttauduin syvälle norjanangervopensaisiin, niihin jotka alkukesällä kukkiessaan ovat kuin morsian. Valkoiset kukat tuoksuvat suloisesti ja tiputtavat turkkiini pieniä palleroita, kukan terälehtiä. Väijyn pensaiden alla pihan tapahtumia, myyrien mönkimistä, poikien jalkapallonpeluuta (en niin usein enää), herrasväen puutarhapuuhia. Aika paljon selitettävää on näin lyhyessä ajassa. Nukahdan autuaasti unohtaen maailman menon ja vuodenajan vaihtumisen.
I live my life and now turn the cassette, so to speak. My masters, the Lady and the Mister are arguing about me at the cold courtyard. They are looking for their beloved cat, me, but they do not find.
I´m moving further under the bushes, called norwegian bushes. It brings a lot of warm memories to my mind. I think of the summer when our boys were playing soccer, the mice were mocking at me and the white little petals were scattered over my fur. It was a happy time. It is still a happy time. And I fell asleep surrounded by my careing human people in my best garden.
I must write down my deepest feelings before I forget everything. It helps me to survive. And I still hear the voice of "Kisu", the voices of skiing of my family members. The thoughts comfort me.
Sinisen hetken suloinen sankari, katso minua! |
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